Processes for transferring funds within wallets

This table allows us to precisely identify the location of the funds issued in the wallets or contracts of the ecosystem, which is crucial for executing any operation effectively. Furthermore, thanks to this information, it is possible to have a clear overview of the fund flow and the destination of the coins at all times.

Therefore, it is advisable to carefully review the table to understand how funds are distributed in the ecosystem, significantly facilitating the execution of transactions and operations in general. Remember that, with a clearer understanding of tokenomics, you will have a greater chance of achieving optimal returns on your investments and participation in the ecosystem.

To ensure the security and safeguarding of funds in the ecosystem, a rigorous process of token safeguarding is followed. This process is meticulously carried out by the board, who have access to various wallets where the funds are stored.

It's important to note that, in addition to wallets, there are contracts that play a fundamental role in protecting the funds. These contracts, which cannot be modified by anyone, freeze the coins and automatically distribute them, following previously established criteria. This is what we refer to as Proof of Content (PoC), which is an airdrop focused on wallets containing FNFTs.

A clear example of this process is the wallet of:

  • FOUNDATION: Responsible for safeguarding funds allocated for project financing and its objectives.

Similarly, the STAKING wallet freezes and distributes funds for stakers, while the FOUNDERS and COLLABORATORS wallet plays a similar role for funds allocated to project founders and collaborators.

In essence, this token-safeguarding process is crucial to ensuring the security and stability of the ecosystem. Therefore, it's important to have a deep understanding of it to make informed decisions and ensure the success of any operation within the ecosystem.

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