Comprar en Marketplace

To make a purchase on our marketplace, it is necessary to first access the corresponding section within the application. Make sure you have enough FRQ in your app wallet to acquire the desired asset, and verify its price in FRQ before proceeding with the purchase.

Once you have the necessary assets in your wallet, you can make the purchase by pressing the 'Buy now' button.

It is important to note that when making the purchase, you will be asked to confirm the amount of gas that will be charged as a commission by the protocol. In addition, the dollar or peso price of the asset you are acquiring will be calculated based on the current value of FRQ.

Finally, once you have confirmed the purchase, you must press the 'Accept' button to complete the transaction and receive your FNFT. Remember that once you have acquired the asset, it will be yours and you can use it as you see fit.

Last updated