
Tokenomics: A fixed amount of 80 million FRQ was minted in the genesis, but diversification is established throughout the ecosystem to increase the long-term value of FRQTAL. FRQTAL does not withdraw any portion of tokens already staked in an FNFT, as it does not possess permission to do so, just like any other user.

The public pool will be dosed with token injections into the liquidity pool, these 4 injections will be placed during the first two years of the pool. Each injection is dosed on a weekly basis within the pool, responsibility of the crypto-economy area within the company. 23% of the tokens will be sold through private and public strategies placed in an AVAX:FRQTAL pool where they can be publicly traded.

0.2% de Public pool allocation


A liquidity start is set up on the Pangolin DEX, crossing AVAX against FRQ. These funds belong to the company and are placed solely to establish the first round of prices. They are not for public use or direct sales to third parties by the company.

0.9% de Public pool allocation


Public sale to FRIENDS AND FAMILY of the company. With this sale, we are opening up possible strategic partnerships with allies close to the company and partners.

1.7% de Public pool allocation


Public sale to EXTERNALS of the company. With this sale, we are opening up possible strategic partnerships on platforms like ICO drops.

14.8% de Public pool allocation

Private Ventures capital

Sale to venture capitalists who believe in the project. Institutional placement of TOKENS.

82.6% de Public pool allocation


Sale of tokens, through the FRQTAL APP, and through allied Exchanges.

Last updated