Creating an item

Items or keys serve many purposes, discover the full potential of an FNFT in your industry. To create an item, we must first access the "Item" option in the add section of the application. Items can be public or private.

To create a private item, simply add it to a private collection. For public items, they can be created by adding them to a public collection or even created as an independent public item not belonging to any collection.

FNFTs (Non-Fungible Financial Tokens) can be public or private. To create a private FNFT, it is necessary to add it to a private collection. In the case of public FNFTs, they can be created by adding them to a public collection or even as a standalone item that does not belong to any collection.

The difference between a public and a private FNFT is that anyone can see the photo or cover of the FNFT in a public item, while in a private item, no one can see the cover until it has been purchased.

To create an FNFT, the following fields must be completed:

  • Main photo: A representative image of the FNFT.

  • Name: The name that will be given to the FNFT.

  • Description: A brief description of the FNFT.

  • Category: The category to which the FNFT belongs.

  • Collection: The FNFT can be added to an existing collection or a new one can be created.

  • Sensitive content: The FNFT can be marked as sensitive content in case its content may be offensive or inappropriate.

  • Key function: The FNFT can be used as a key to unlock exclusive content on the creator's channel.

  • Number of FNFTs: The desired quantity of FNFTs to be issued must be indicated.

  • Price: The number of FRQ each FNFT will cost must be indicated.

  • FNFT freezing: A slider will be shown to determine the amount of FNFTs that will be frozen for mining with Proof of Capacity (PoC).

  • FNFT creation: Finally, the "Create FNFT" button must be clicked to complete the process.

That's it! Once created, the FNFT will be available for users to acquire on the market.

In FRQTAL, the farming process we use is known as Proof of Content (PoC). This system is directly related to the amount of capital that is frozen or packaged within the FNFTs.

When creating an FNFT, the amount of tokens to be frozen for mining with PoC can be determined. This process involves users who want to obtain the FNFT to invest in it, which in turn increases the amount of capital available on the network.

In this sense, PoC presents itself as a sustainable and efficient alternative to farming. By investing in FNFTs, users contribute to the generation of capital and the creation of value on the FRQTAL network, which in turn translates into an increase in the value of the tokens.

Additionally, PoC allows for greater decentralization and democratization in the generation of capital on the network, as any user can invest in FNFTs and contribute to the generation of capital. This way, greater participation in the network is promoted, and a more inclusive and accessible ecosystem is created.

The use of PoC in FRQTAL represents an innovative alternative to staking, which focuses on generating capital through investment in FNFTs. This sustainable, efficient, and decentralized system promotes greater participation and democratization in the generation of value on the network.

Last updated